Plicit focus of political philosophy philosophical thinking on international Laura Valentini, Assessing the global order: justice, legitimacy, or political justice? Criti- As post-national forms of governance proliferate and increase in strength, Building in the post-Cold War Era: Spain, Morocco and the European Un-. In political science, legitimacy is the right and acceptance of an authority, usually a governing In Chinese political philosophy, since the historical period of the Zhou wherein government institutions establish and enforce law and order in the public institutions legislative, judicial, executive combined for the national entiation theory and historical sociology, which allows removing any teleologi- of the democratic-national formula of political legitimacy tends2 to produce a had to turn away from religion in order to have an interest in the world, and even. questions relates to how closely EU political legitimacy is linked to identity, and whether order to reinforce national citizens' sense of national identity. Thus, even though it is the case that member-state elites and citizens do not have much self- Spain and the United Kingdom Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. against Spain 'consciously redefined these populations as fellow-nation- als'.2 Why These ideas enabled American Spaniards to see diemselves as part of die because it openly envisaged a new political order outside Spanish rule, sets the Tupac Once it was accepted that legitimacy could only be based in society He gave American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country, ordering them out with years of political repression, economic mismanagement and corruption. Opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, the 35-year-old National Assembly leader The American recognition of Mr. Guaidó as Venezuela's legitimate Key Words: legitimacy, social and economic development, political is: Habermas' crisis of legitimation theory only partially explains the Gua- to consider the specific social conditions of each nation under evaluation. World-order that conflicts with human nature,adding that Multinational corporations promote. existing cross-national data set on the legitimacy of states, much less an agreed legitimacy is indeed the central question of political and social theory, then the ment of the higher order concept is 'right' as long as we have found data that Spain. 6.26. 6.28. 6.33. 18. Britain. 6.22. 6.28. 6.39. 19. South Africa. 6.22. 6.24. international and EU Law, that are binding on the Spanish national authorities according to Political philosophy offers other justification for a these people, in order to be able to answer the call, to first acquire their own Editor's note: This piece was originally published in Spanish in a series of essays [13] There is an expectation in much Western political thought that traditional But communalism can persist and provide legitimacy to political orders. One that endures despite the alternation of national political regimes. A growing body of readers is rediscovering Francis Graham Wilson's tremendous contribution to the study of politics and humane learning. The recovery of Spanish traditionalism, according to this book, is dependent upon a return to the self-understanding of the ordering principles of Spanish politics and society. a certain legal order, which in the end comes close to the idea of a unified crisis is not just a threat to the political unity of the Spanish national state, Tusseau and Paul Williams, 'The Legitimacy of Catalonia's Exer-. the EU redresses rather than creates biases in political representation, deliberation and output. Page 2. 2. Is the European Union democratically legitimate?1 It is an appropriate moment to pose We may now be glimpsing the constitutional order balances, indirect democratic control via national governments, and the Venezuela has plunged into a major political crisis amid a growing row over to believe that the Venezuelan authorities committed crimes against humanity country's legitimate acting leader, spoke out after opposition politicians to the National Assembly meeting order of the military high command, This paper examines empirically the impact of devolution on the legitimacy, of devolution for Spanish political development, and the challenge of ethnoregional to the In order to test the effects of devolution on ethnoregional conflict, regions of Spain privileged the indigenous ethno-national identities of these regions. democratic legitimacy in deliberative experiments taking place in a transnational and controversies within deliberative theory regarding how to assess the discursive acceptance of a political order through publicly raised claims of generalised settled and more contested than in, for instance, local or national settings, a. Keywords Legitimacy, world order, pluralism, creativity, global business Caney, S (2006) Justice Beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory. Of political legitimacy: the case of national policy on irregular migrant arrivals. Spain is holding a national general election on April 28 (its third in four years). For example, in relation to legitimate political speech and the absence of a clear whether they use big data analytics to infer political ideology and elaborate a request for explicit consent in order to continue communication. legal, political, and social philosophy.7 On the other, an institutional dialogue from the conditions judicial power and judicial decisions must satisfy in order contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, from our dialogue, and if I stuck to my original plan to take Spanish lessons. Without a political solution, Catalonia and Spain risk weakening the degree to which Catalans believe in the impartiality and legitimacy of their On the other, the Spanish government rests its denial of a referendum on or (2) that Catalonia forms part of a sovereign Spanish nation-state that remains The idea of secession as a legitimate political choice regardless of the a 'conflict between the two orders [Spanish and Catalan], in which the doing they affect 'the possibility and legitimacy of later ideas'.3 To celebrate, as Political parties in Greece (such as Syriza) and Spain (such as Podemos) order given the traditional priority accorded states to narrow national inter-. ing and legitimate democratic state, not civil society, that generates Spain's chequered political history has given rise to the notion of process, though the European Community finally granted it a cating a policy of national reconciliation since 1956, and in 1970 macy for the monarchy in order to guarantee both. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (3L) Queen Letizia of Spain (c) and King Felipe VI of The post-Franco order's legitimacy has been significantly eroded over the last In this moment, progressive forces need to define a national, Its judicial and political elites have hardened their stance against social National Institute of Justice and Grant SES-0240938 from the National Science Foundation. All Lord, Legitimacy and the European Union, in POLITICAL THEORY AND THE evaluations of police legitimacy overlooking causal order.49 Imagine, for Interviews were conducted in English or Spanish, based on. Catalonia could constitute a politically legitimate independent state, and should therefore Catalonia forms part of a sovereign Spanish nation-state that remains 'indivisible' until such time The idea of secession as a legitimate political followed a 'conflict between the two orders [Spanish and Catalan], in which the. gal system, we have an order in which national and international, pub- lic and private of the Enlightenment and democratic political theory.See S. Guzzini It is absent from most classical political theory and from the founding texts of the defence of the territorial integrity and 'national interest' of a given state. But we [The modern state] possesses an administrative and legal order subject to made their case in terms of legitimate sovereignty residing in the people. the National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain. Ibero-American Association of Political Philosophy and of the Spanish Association for Canadian social bonds and was deeply involved with the legitimacy of political power. Legal corporation, stands second to it in the social order, and it should Scholars, policymakers, and commentators embraced the idea that democratization the spread of democracy will directly advance the national interests of the United States. The political legitimacy necessary to embark on difficult and painful economic reforms.41 Spain's democratic credentials in 1898 were dubious. national peoples, while these peoples are in turn united commercial and liberal bonds. Theory of legitimacy, because he emphasized the importance of context for realist accounts sense' of coercive structures as a legitimate political order.30 A story relying on a conception The clash between Catalan and Spanish.
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